Feeling overwhelmed with the choices available when buying your first whistle? Or are you a seasoned player looking to explore different tonal qualities and styles? Worry not, I’ve got you covered. I’m here to introduce you to the most popular instrument in traditional Irish music – the humble tin whistle. No matter your experience level, I promise to help you choose the perfect whistle and guide you through mastering this timeless instrument. In this post, I have many words of wisdom for whistle buyers of our online Irish whistle store, I simplify the buying process and break down everything you need to know.
Tin Whistle Through the Ages
The tin whistle, also known as the penny whistle, Irish whistle, Celtic whistle or feadóg stáin (the Irish term, pronounced fa-doge-stawn) is a type of flageolet or simple, six-holed woodwind instrument.
It’s a type of fipple flute, putting it in the same class as the recorder, the Native American flute, and many other indigenous woodwind instruments.
The tin whistle is closely associated with traditional Irish music, but also plays an important role in the folk music of many other cultures such as the Kwela penny whistle music of South Africa and Malawi.
Choosing a Key for Your Irish Whistle
Tin whistles are available in a wide variety of keys, generally from Low D to High G.
A tin whistle in the key of D is considered to be the standard concert pitch tin whistle and is recommended for beginners and intermediate players alike.
D tin whistles allow you to play comfortably in the keys of D major and G major – two of the most common keys found in traditional Irish music.
The key of Eb (E flat) whistle is also a very common ‘Session Key’ and great to have in your back pocket at a traditional Irish session.
Irish Whistle Ranges
Modern tin whistles come in various sizes and a variety of different keys. The higher the key, the smaller the instrument, the lower the key, the larger the instrument.
Generally, these keys are are divided into three categories:
- Soprano Whistles – Bb up to High G
- Alto Whistles – Low F to Low A
- Low Whistles or Tenor Whistles – Low C to Low E
Soprano, Alto and Tenor are simply terms which refer to the key or range the whistle plays in.
The Irish Low Whistle
As you can see, the soprano tin whistle and low whistle are members of the same family and are technically the same instrument. The low D model is simply tuned an octave lower than the soprano D. Therefore, the body is wider and twice as long.
Like its soprano and alto counterparts, the low whistle also comes in a variety of keys, such as C, Eb and E. The most popular however is the standard low D as D major is arguably the most commonly used key in traditional Irish music.
To learn more about this popular variant, check out the McNeela blog post Everything You Need to Know About the Low Whistle
Tonal Qualities
While it can vary from whistle to whistle to whistle, and maker to maker, here’s a quick breakdown of the tonal qualities of the different whistle keys.
A general rule of thumb is, the higher the key, the brighter the sound, while the lower the key, the more mellow the sound:
- Soprano G whistle – produces a very high, piercing treble tone. These whistles are particularly small in size and may be useful for very young children who want to try the tin whistle.
- Soprano F whistle – produces a soaring, bright tone. Tone can be quite piercing depending on the make of the whistle.
- Soprano E whistle – brighter than an Eb whistle while still offering a pleasant tone.
- Soprano Eb whistle – offers a clear, bright, joyful tone with a sweet high register. It’s perfect for breathing a new lease of life into your solo playing or confidently playing along at an Eb Irish music session.
- Soprano D whistle – the standard key for the majority of Irish whistles, produces the iconic tone associated with traditional Irish music.
- Soprano C whistle – produces a rich, sweet one that is more mellow than a standard D whistle. It will add warmth and depth to your playing.
- Soprano/Alto Bb whistle – offers a warm, mellow tone. It will add an air of sweetness to your playing or allow you to groove along at a Bb session.
- Alto A whistle – produces a bright yet mellow tone that will energise your playing, adding a vibrant depth to your sound.
- Alto F whistle – an incredibly popular key amongst professional whistle players. Produces a rich, warm, mellow tone.
- Low E whistle – produces a rich, warm tone.
- Low Eb whistle – offers a smooth, mellow tone.
- Low D whistle – the rich, iconic Irish low whistle sound that is recognised all over the world.
Materials used in Irish whistles:
Tin whistles can be made from various materials.
The most common materials are:
- Brass
- Nickel Plated Brass
- Plastic including Delrin or polymer
- Aluminium
- Wood
Each material produces its own unique timbre or tonal quality.
Nickel plated brass whistles are generally a shade brighter than their slightly more mellow brass cousin.
Delrin whistles produce a surprisingly traditional woody tone.
Tunable v Non-Tunable Whistles
The answers to the following two questions will probably convince you to buy a tunable whistle:
Can whistles be blown into and out of tune?
The simple answer is yes, within reason.
If you blow a note soft it will sound more flat. If you blow a note harder it will sound sharper.
You should generally be aiming for something in the middle which should also give you nicer tone.
Does temperature affect your tuning?
Again yes is the answer.
The higher the temperature and the warmer your whistle the sharper it will be overall.
For example, if you started playing a session and your whistle was playing A = 440Hz (standard concert pitch). After about 15 minutes playing the chances are you’re now playing A = 442Hz (sharper) this is due to the likely warmer temperature at a session in full swing.
The opposite also applies. If you’re playing outdoors in colder temperatures, chances are your whistle tuning will flatten also.
Quality vs Budget
Beginner Whistles
If you’re not worried about tuning and you just want to play at home for your own enjoyment, then an entry level non-tuneable whistle might be just the thing for you. This shouldn’t cost you more than €20.
Intermediate Whistles
If you play in sessions or in groups then you’re more likely to be conscious of your tuning. Tuneable whistles start from around the €25 mark.
Premium Whistles
As a general rule, more expensive whistles will have better internal tuning and will also have superior tone. There are exceptions to the rule but that’s a discussion for another day!
A standard basic D tin whistle can cost as little as €10. The professional end can cost well over €250.
As with any instrument it depends on how fluently you’re currently playing and where you envision yourself in the not too distant future.
Wild Irish Whistles
One question I’ve been asked frequently since the launch of my new Wild Whistle range is “what distinguishes Wild Whistles from other whistles on the market?”
The short answer is, Wild Whistles are premium high-standard whistles.
What makes a high standard whistle?
There are a few factors…
Wild Irish Whistles have an even tempered tuning, making them more versatile than midrange whistles. What does that mean?
You can play in any key, with other instruments, without tuning being an issue. With this more accurate tuning system, every note you play is in tune. This might seem like a given with all instruments, but just read the reviews! Surprisingly not all whistles are in tune with themselves or other instruments.
Another pleasing feature of the Wild tin whistle is that the body has a slightly thicker wall which makes them sturdy, without adding too much extra weight. This makes them wonderfully easy to play.
Most importantly however, what really sets Wild whistles apart is that they provide professional quality instruments at an exceptionally affordable price.
By comparison, Goldie Whistles start at €215 for a soprano whistle, or €275 for the low whistle range.
Wild Whistles offer huge savings without compromising on quality.

Style and Ornamentation
There are many Irish tin whistle playing styles. You can learn about some of the most exciting modern tin whistle playing styles in The Evolution of the Modern Tin Whistle.
If you prefer to keep things a bit more traditional however, you can also explore the iconic playing style of the legendary Mary Bergin.
One element that is common to all whistle playing styles is the use of ornamentation. I’ve included a simple breakdown below to demystify these terms:
- Cuts: Cuts, also known as grace notes, are short notes played before the main melody note, using the same principle as acciaccatura.
- Taps: Taps are similar to cuts except that you sound the note by tapping the fingers on a the note below as briefly as possible.
- Rolls: Combine a cut and tap, and are played over two or three quavers.
- Slides: Gradually shifting a finger up or down smoothly to raise or lower the pitch of a note
- Vibrato: A tremolo effect created by lower fingers or the diaphragm.
- Cranns: Borrowed from the uilleann piping tradition, they are similar to rolls except only a series of cuts are used.
- Tonguing: Briefly touching your tongue to the front of the roof of the mouth at the start of the note (as if articulating a ‘t’), creating a percussive attack. Generally used sparingly as a means of emphasising certain notes.
Getting Started
Now that you’re well on your way to being a tin whistle expert, why not check out our recommendations for the best beginner tunes for Irish flute and whistle players.
With the right tin whistle in hand (any whistle from our online whistle store will see you right) and a little more know how, you’ll be flying in no time!
If you’d like a little more guidance however, you can always sign up to my Ultimate Irish Whistle Course where I’ll teach you everything you need to know about the tin whistle. I’ll be with you every step of the way as I guide you along your musical journey, taking you right through from the beginner stage all the way to advanced.
Tks for all the information.
Charlie Catalano
New Orleans Riverside Jazz Band
Nouvelle Orleans Louisiana U.S.A.
which key of thin whistle is good for guitar?
Hi Asi, it depends on the the songs you are playing on guitar and the key they are in. If you are unsure, the key of D is a good standard tin whistle to have.
Really interesting and helpful information.
Thank you
Stacy Martins
How about a whistle with bagpipe fingering?
Great information, thank you very much for sharing.
A pleasure, Michael, and if you’ve an questions at all just get back to me here or email me.
Thank you so much for this information, and with great explanations!
Thanks Judith!
Thank you for your very interesting information.
Regards Keith
Thank you kindly Keith!
Hello I’m flying over from glasgow on Saturday December 10th with my granddaughter to purchase a tin whistle for her in high d probably in the 80- 100 euros range. Do you have anything suitable in stock, and if so how do I visit your shop by public transport
Hi William, a member of my customer service team has emailed you back with the information you’re looking for. Look out for an email from [email protected] (it may end up in spam so check there too).
Was wondering if my son's basic tin whistle is good enough for his junior cert exam or should I buy a more expensive one?
Hi Tracy, if he’s comfortable on his existing whistle he’ll be fine but if you wanted to upgrade a little without breaking the bank, the tuneable D aluminium whistle by Tony Dixon is a very popular choice with our customers.
Many thanks for this website. Yes! I did hear the echo of a tin whistle calling my name. Clearly, you know what goes through the minds of many of us caught up by this marvelous instrument. Something from the ancient past stirs in this soul.
Kawasaki Japan
Thanks for the great information on the tin whistle. I enjoyed reading it.
I'll be teaching a beginning tin whistle class this summer at a summer Camp for Senior Citizens who already play other instruments. This guide will be a wonderful help to them.
I'd love to start playing the whistle, but am totally confused on which one. I think a lower range D would be good, so i could join a sesdion, & im in a band w/ guitars, a harp & an auto harp, but as to which specific one…?? Help? I've been playing violin/fiddle since I was a kid & had the usual encounter w/ the recorder in school, so I'm not a total novice musically…
Hi Cindy. If it is your first tin whistle it might be a good idea to start with a soprano D whistle. Our Wild Irish Whistles are a popular choice and might be worth checking out:
That was interesting.
Thank you
Hello, I am interested in buying a tin whistle for my Grandson Liam who is ten. He has been chosen to play the tin whistle to the whole of his school., St Marys R.C. Recently Blue Peter the legendary BBC television children series visited the school and filmed some of the children playing traditional Irish music. I knew he was interested in all forms of art, but I had no idea he had embraced the Tin Whistle to the degree he had. Therefore, would you advise me on a purchase of a tin whistle? I do like the Wild Tin Whistle, and I would like a token of my love for him.
Hi John. The Wild Whistle is a good instrument, however I would recommend taking a look at this article before buying anything:
Does it matter if you play the whistle with the left or right hand on top?
Hi Celeste. I would recommend left over right if possible as it is the most common finger positioning and makes playing some other wind instruments easier if you choose to learn another. However if you are more comfortable with the right on top then don’t worry, it only matters how it sounds!
This is all nicely done. I was wondering if you could help me. A decade ago I bought used whistles from a friend. I think the maker was Basse or something like that. Excellent quality tunable expensive whistles but I can’t seem to find them. I am in the market for a low F, Bb, low G, and A. Thanks for your help either way.
Hi Stephanie, we have a number of good whistles here I’d recommend:
I have some Irish in my heritage and so appreciate your info
I have attempted to play my whistle, but I feel like I am gasping for air afterwards. It was so bad one time I really felt as if I couldn't breathe at all.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Hi Philip,
It sounds like you’re having some issues with breath control, which is quite common for new whistle players. Make sure you’re not blowing too hard—the tin whistle requires less air than you might think. Focus on using gentle, steady breaths rather than forcing the air out. Sit or stand upright with relaxed shoulders to allow proper airflow, and try to stay as relaxed as possible while playing.
You can also practice slow, deep breathing from your diaphragm before you start, which will help you manage your breath better while playing. Remember to take advantage of natural pauses in the tune to sneak in breaths, and try starting with simpler tunes until you feel more comfortable.
It takes time, but with practice, you’ll find it easier to control your breathing and play without feeling breathless.
Thank you Pariac for your wonderful site and instruments and links. To whistle beginners, I am one, I highly recommend the Wild Whistle, great tone, and you will find it actually easier to play, and sound good, than a cheaper model, which will make you feel better about your playing.
i purchased the wild whistle from you recently unfortunately i play this with a WET MOUTH and the notes eventually get distorted– this and was a problem whe i used to play brass instruments in a band –paraic or staff at mcneelas could you advise in any way how i can get over this problem? should i warm up the wild whistle before playing etc? any advice on this would be most appreciated!!
I have a wild tin whistle, bu there isn’t, any key marked on it. What key is it?
Hi there, cover all the holes and blow gently to produce the lowest note (this is the fundamental note).
The note you produce with all holes covered is the key of the whistle. For example, if the note is D, then the whistle is in the key of D. (You can download a free tuner app to your phone to test the key for this exercise!)